CS 373 Spring 2021 Week 7: Chanakya Remani

Chanakya Remani
2 min readMar 7, 2021


Welcome to Week 7 of my CS 373: Software Engineering blog!

1.) What did you do this past week?

This past week, I was able to finish the Postman API documentation as well as pulling together loose ends on phase 1. Overall as a group, we finished phase 1 comfortably and will start thinking about phase 2 specifics very soon. Similarly, I had midterms in my classes that I got out of my way.

2.) What is in your way?

Last week, I had midterms in my classes that were a real pain due to the lack of communication from the professors (this happened as a result of the snow storm, causing deadlines to get pushed back). I had to find ways to balance time between that and finishing up phase 1.

3.) What will you do next week?

Next week, I will start planning for phase 2 and plan out logistics for that for my group. I also have two midterms next week so I will also be studying for those as well.

4.) If you read it, what did you think of the Open-Closed Principle?

I found the paper about the Open-Closed Principle very interesting because it was able to grasp a really good understanding from it, especially from the real-life examples. I will definitely use what I learned from the paper towards whatever I code in the future to ensure that it abides with this principle.

5.) What was your experience of iterators and reduce2?

The lesson on iterators was pretty confusing at first due to all of the technicalities involves with regards to types and how they work in and across for loops. However, I think I got a better understanding from the quiz questions we had. For reduce2, I thought it was pretty straightforward and was more applicable than normal reduce due to the optional parameter.

6.) What made you happy this week?

Finishing phase 1 made me really happy as I was actually able to see something I made part of the World Wide Web. Apart from the class, I hung out with friends and took advantage of the nice weather to spend some time outside.

7.) What is your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I found this npm cheatsheet that was really helpful to refer to, especially when it came to having to install additional dependencies and testing the website locally before it got deployed. I definitely see myself using this in the later phases of the project, especially when it comes to unit testing.

Cheat sheet: https://devhints.io/npm



Chanakya Remani
Chanakya Remani

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