CS 373 Spring 2021 Week 6: Chanakya Remani

Chanakya Remani
2 min readFeb 28, 2021


Welcome to Week 6 of my CS 373: Software Engineering blog!

1.) What did you do this past week?

This past week, I was able to accomplish a lot. I met with my group for the web project, and got the proposal out of the way. Similarly, we also delegated tasks amongst ourselves and are making pretty good progress!

2.) What is in your way?

Last week, the weather was something massive that was in my away. Apart from the weather, something I feel that is in my way is the fact that I am learning everything related to web development for the first time so the learning curve is pretty high. Nevertheless, I am learning a lot and am having fun doing so.

3.) What will you do next week?

Next week, I finishing working on the Postman API for my group and also work on backend stuff for our project. I also have two midterms next week so I will also be studying for those as well.

4.) If you read it, what did you think of the Single Responsibility Principle?

I found the paper about the Single Responsibility Principle very interesting because it was able to grasp a really good understanding from it, especially from the real-life examples. I will definitely use what I learned from the paper towards whatever I code in the future.

5.) What was your experience of IDB1 and reduce?

I have no experience with web development so IDB1 has been very interesting in regards to how much I am learning. On the other hand, reduce was pretty straightforward and I learned a lot from the lectures.

6.) How did you fare in the storm?

I fared pretty well and was more fortunate than others. I had power and WiFi and only lost water for a day. Luckily, I was able to store water beforehand but food was a real challenge last week as grocery stores and take out places were closed.

7.) What made you happy this week?

Getting a 100 on the attendance quiz made me pretty happy 😂! Apart from the class, I enjoyed the snow and was also happy that the snow went away and that the sun is out.

8.) What is your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip-of-the-week is to always proactive in terms of learning new material. If you are frustrated that you can’t comprehend or understand something that is going on, use Google or YouTube to search about a topic and keep on asking questions that you have. For me personally, learning by asking questions is the fastest way I’m able to learn things.



Chanakya Remani
Chanakya Remani

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