CS 373 Spring 2021 Week 4: Chanakya Remani

Chanakya Remani
2 min readFeb 13, 2021


Welcome to Week 4 of my CS 373: Software Engineering blog!

1.) What did you do this past week?

This past week, I finished the Collatz Conjecture project and mainly worked ahead in all of my other classes so I can prep for the upcoming group project for this class. Similarly, I also reviewed the notes from lecture that Professor Downing went over.

2.) What is in your way?

Something I feel that is in my way is that I have no experience whatsoever with any of the tools that was on the CATME survey so I am a little bit scared that I could be a hinderance to my to-be group if I am assigned to a group that knows how to use these tools. However, I feel like I am a quick learner so I will be able to learn quickly!

3.) What will you do next week?

Next week, I will ensure that I work on the blog and Perusall assignment whenever they become available and also meet up with my SWE group to plan website ideas and to look at the various tools required for the web project.

4.) If you read it, what did you think of the Pair Programming?

I found the paper about Pair Programming very interesting because it was able to grasp a really good understanding from it, especially from the real-life examples. I had done Pair Programming in the past for classes but never in a real world setting like at an internship or job.

5.) What was your experience of types?

I think types was something I was able to pick up easily because this is a concept I remembered back from CS 312 and CS 314, except that was done in Java. While Python has a lot of intricacies within its types, it cool to see how different languages function in different ways.

8.) What made you happy this week?

Getting a 100 on the attendance quiz made me pretty happy 😂! Apart from the class, I got to watch the Super Bowl with my friends. I am also excited for the snow that is expected in the Austin early next week as it’s been years since I’ve last seen snow.

9.) What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I encountered a pretty cool video on YouTube of someone attempting to code a Chess AI. Chess has become popular ever since The Queen’s Gambit came out two months ago on Netflix and due to the complexity and various states of chess that are possible, I found someone trying to build an AI very very interesting.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=U4ogK0MIzqk&feature=emb_title



Chanakya Remani
Chanakya Remani

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