CS 373 Spring 2021 Week 10: Chanakya Remani
Welcome to Week 10 of my CS 373: Software Engineering blog!
1.) What did you do this past week?
This past week, my group and I turned in phase 2 at the beginning of the week. I then took a couple of days to relax from SWE until I immediately got hit with the Hackerrank exercise we did on Wednesday. I then took the rest of the week to study up and make sure I really understand the lecture material. Similarly, I did work in my other classes.
2.) What is in your way?
Something that is in my way that is not related to the class is the fact that I haven’t received a vaccine appointment from UT yet, despite being promised that I’d receive one this week. Seeing so many people get vaccinated makes me wonder how they were able to secure appointments as I had filled out the survey UT gave minutes after it came out and also have vaccine websites refreshing 24/7 in hopes of being able to schedule an appointment. To make things worse, when I called UT Health today, they told me that it could take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months to receive the email to schedule an appointment so I definitely need to find another way to get that taken care of.
3.) What will you do next week?
Next week, I will work with my group to implement the requirements for phase 3. Phase 3 seems equally difficult as Phase 2 implementation wise on the frontend because there’s additional parts that will need to be added to our already dynamic website.
4.) If you read it, what did you think of the Dependency Inversion Principle?
I have not read the paper.
5.) What was your experience of +. *, **. and decorators?
I found these concepts hard to grasp at first due to the subtle intricacies there are in terms of when and where to use them. However, as I reviewed the material more and did the Hackerrank exercise on Friday, I seemed to get a better grasp of the concepts.
6.) What made you happy this week?
Nothing honestly.
7.) What is your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip-of-the-week is to make use of the resources you have as a UT student, while you are here. There’s a lot of resources from the Sanger Learning Center to the Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC) so if you ever need help or assistance with anything, there is almost guaranteed a resource to help you.
Link: https://diversity.utexas.edu/disability/campus-resources/